There wasn't much excitement that night. He saw an old man struggling with his cane to walk around the perimeter of the park, a stray dog sniffing around for a place to micturate, and a young waitress walking home from work.
He sat in the tree for twenty minutes thinking about Sarah. He hoped and prayed for an answer for his problems. But lately it seemed that God had drifted further and further away from him to the point where he could no longer identify between the voice of God and the voice of the Devil.
"If I give up Knight Phoenix I have a normal relationship with Sarah." He said to himself, "But the gangs of Silver City will quickly take control over the law. But, if Knight Phoenix lives on then I can never really be with Sarah." These thoughts rang through his head over and over.
He lost track of time then realized there was a young "hoodlum" mugging the old man with the cane. Dean leaped into the sky and flew over the two men in their struggle. But his mind was still on his wife. He flew down in a swift motion and threw a strong punch into the younger man's face, who fell to the floor, unconscious. He escorted the old man home, then retreated to his own house.
When he got home, he found Sarah asleep in a chair with a copy of Escape from the Modern Life by Max Lucado laying open on her lap. Dean picked up the book and set it down on a table next to the chair. He picked up Sarah, carried her to their room and rested her on their bed. He changed her into her pajamas and tucked her in. He kissed her on her forehead and exited the room, closing the door behind him.
Dean walked out into the living room and looked at his bookshelf. There he found his old, dusty, black Bible. He opened it to where it was marked; Mark 10, He read until he met with a verse that stuck in his head.
Mark 10: 8-9
and the two become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.
"Let man not separate" the words rang in his head. "Knight Phoenix is killing our marriage." he said to himself, "So I must kill Knight Phoenix." He closed the book, and buried his face in his hands.